22 de agosto de 2008

Human Abstract, William Blake

sabrinalettre retouche-1
Cargado originalmente por lafemmebleu

Pity would be no more,
If we did not make somebody Poor;
And Mercy no more could be,
If all were as happy as we;

And mutual fear brings peace,
the selfish loves increase;
Then Cruelty knits a snare,
And spreads his baits with care.

He sits down with holy fears,
And waters the ground with tears;
Then Humility takes its root
Underneath his foot.

Soon spreads the dismal shade
Of Mystery over his head;
And the Caterpillar and Fly
Feed on the Mystery.

And it bears the fruit of Deceit,
Ruddy and sweet to eat;
And the Raven his nest has made
In its thickest shade.

The Gods of the earth and sea,
Sought through Nature to find this Tree,
But their search was all in vain;
There grows one in the Human Brain.

18 de agosto de 2008

Los dragones se toman el cielo de Bogotá

No se sorprendan si por estos días ven en los cielos cambiantes de Bogota al doble del spiderman criollo: un cuerpo unidimensional con unas pequeñas patas colgando. La creatividad criolla retoma los grandes super héroes de los comics y los pone a volar en agosto. En el Simón Bolivar y sus alrededores el cielo esta inundado de cometas con toda clase de figuras y de personajes. Al menos spiderman no anda volando solito, tiene como compañia a batman, una diversa fauna marina y hasta dinosaurios. El cielo de Bogota está encometado en Agosto y los espacios públicos se llenan de gente que vuela cometas, o trata de ponerlas a volar, mientras que el paletero pasa haciendo sonar su campanita y el señor de los algodones de azúcar pasa hablando por celular. Las piolas de las cometas, los perros, los balones y los frisbies son constantes amenzas públicas. Con esto les advierto, tengan cuidado, si no es una pita enrredada, es un perro corriendo tras un balón, un frisbie que pasa a 2cms de su frente o una cometa suicida que intenta colapsar con algún ser.

La densidad de cometas en el cielo es simultánea a una aglomeración de personas en el parque, reflejando no sólo la tradición bogotana, también la necesidad de más espacios verdes urbanos. Cabe resaltar que los que existen son bien aprovechados. Quedan aún un par de días para que los vientos del supuesto Festival de Verano de Bogotá impulsen las destrezas de los bogotanos elevando dinosaurios y super heroes.

17 de agosto de 2008

Changing cakes and ale for pillows with holes

It has been a long time since the stories of sherezando fever have gone to other spaces..but now it seems they want to come back, to find a new place, with new colours and pictures. Sherezando fever is back home but now with new insights on urban stories, utopic stories, science fiction stories, love stories. Sherezando fever is back with Ana Bradbury and she has many things to say, to write and to keep visible. Lets start with the story of the super heroes in August 2008. While Russia plays the violent tune in Georgia, in the neighborhood women and men made in iron show their incredible skills and laugh at the face of nature laws. While innocent people are suffering the cruelty of Russia´s bombs, others are holding proudly falgs to support their favourite super heroes in the magnificent sports event. Is there a common point between all of this? Yes, here two faces of n a t i o n a l i s m : the ugly and the pretty, the rejected and the dreamed. We rest our heads in pillows every night (if we have the choice) but our pillows are made of holes, lots of them with black and deep ones, with bitter smells and hidden niddles. Holes full of tears; full of wishes and ambitions; cloudy holes.

This space is just a window to explore the hole in my pillow.