17 de agosto de 2008

Changing cakes and ale for pillows with holes

It has been a long time since the stories of sherezando fever have gone to other spaces..but now it seems they want to come back, to find a new place, with new colours and pictures. Sherezando fever is back home but now with new insights on urban stories, utopic stories, science fiction stories, love stories. Sherezando fever is back with Ana Bradbury and she has many things to say, to write and to keep visible. Lets start with the story of the super heroes in August 2008. While Russia plays the violent tune in Georgia, in the neighborhood women and men made in iron show their incredible skills and laugh at the face of nature laws. While innocent people are suffering the cruelty of Russia´s bombs, others are holding proudly falgs to support their favourite super heroes in the magnificent sports event. Is there a common point between all of this? Yes, here two faces of n a t i o n a l i s m : the ugly and the pretty, the rejected and the dreamed. We rest our heads in pillows every night (if we have the choice) but our pillows are made of holes, lots of them with black and deep ones, with bitter smells and hidden niddles. Holes full of tears; full of wishes and ambitions; cloudy holes.

This space is just a window to explore the hole in my pillow.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

el mundo no emerge solamente de nuestra propia vision, el mundo se convierte en verdadero cuando somos capaces de salir de nuestro egoismo y de la condición que nos dió la vida para verlo de una u otra manera. La mirada es múltiple y no son iguales tu ojos o los mios, no puedes tomar la voz de un mundo que todavía consideras exótico, con aires de viajero cosmopolita.

Ana Bradbury dijo...

Y porque no puedo? que me lo impide? viajo en un mundo que mis ojos y me experiencia me han permitido construir. Construyo y deconstruyo el mundo que en mi he creado y creo que no hay mejor autoria que la del creador para tomar la voz de su mundo, con aires de viajero o de vagabundo o de hermitaño o de sabio. Sino, ecplicame bien porque tal vez no entiendo lo que quieres decir...